Infinity Martial Arts - Van Ness
Serving our local Washington D.C. community

Infinity Martial Arts educates students on both the mental and physical aspects necessary to keep in shape and defend themselves in a trying society. Our martial art’s programs teache not only physical self-defense techniques but important life skills such as discipline, respect and confidence to stand up to peer pressure and other mental challenges thrust upon one in today’s fast-paced society.
Infinity Martial Arts - Van Ness
4340 Connecticut Ave
Located near Gold’s Gym and the UDC David Clark Law School Building.
9:00am - 9:00pm Monday through Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Realistic training in a safe environment
Safety first! Not only are we concerned for our safety out in the world, but we are also, and especially concerned for your safety in the dojo. We train with a high degree of accuracy and emphasis on safety and self-control. The first priority of the instructor is the safety of his students. The first priority of the student is the safety of their partner.
Our program educates students on the importance of self-discipline, persistence and maintaining a positive attitude for a better quality of life at work or school.
Van Ness Location
Reach Out To One Of Our Team Members
Use the form below to send your contact info to one of our team members and they will reach out to you and answer any questions that you may have.